Contact Us

Sign up here for our mailing list to be notified of our upcoming events-

For training, group treatment or organizational consultation, please contact Kelsey Hopkins at Kelsey [at]

We provide high level, research based, training on -

  • Mental Health
  • Psychological Trauma
  • Suicide Prevention
  • Addiction Response/ Harm Reduction
  • Team Building
  • Positive Behavior Management
  • Trauma-Informed De-Escalation
  • Youth & Personal Development
  • Diversity Equity and Inclusion
  • Anti-Racism/ White Accountability Practices
  • Building Trauma Informed Environments

Our content will be customized to meet your goals. We can also provide consultation on creating trauma informed systems and policies, as well as processes for equity and inclusion in your classroom or organization. We have an extensive network of collaborators and are able to provide trainers with specific background and content knowledge in a variety of settings.

Worcester Addresses Childhood Trauma is currently not providing direct service via Community Trauma Resilience Navigators. In the short term, please refer families with children under 10 and their caregivers who are experiencing trauma to- Leah Serafin, Coordinator of Community Initiatives with the City of Worcester’s Department of Health and Human Services, at 508.340.3936 or SerafinL [at]

If you’d like to be informed of our upcoming events and programs-
