Deb Falzoi

Consultant (Workplace Abuse)
dfalzoi2 [at]

Deb Falzoi, is a Social Work student at Westfield State University supporting the work of Addressing Childhood Trauma. She has been helping targets of workplace bullying through education, coaching and legislative advocacy since 2018. She founded Dignity Together to help targets of abuse recover and reclaim their dignity. She has been a lifeline for the more than 2000 individuals she supports in an online community. Her podcast called Screw the Hierarchy takes a wide angle look at systemic oppression and her analysis has been featured in national publications. She has a very popular tik-tok that shares the latest on the mental health impact of toxic work stress, puts this issue in context and shares legislative solutions to redefine our work life and build an equitable future. She can be seen leading a Trauma Training Tuesday session on Workplace Abuse and at all the websites listed here. We are so grateful to work with her!